Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ministry Idea: Trunk or Treat

As Halloween  draws closer, here's a ministry idea that your youth can lead for the children of your community. It's called "trunk or treat" and this is how it works:

Instead of having families go door to door in your community "trick-or-treating", you have them trick-or-treat from a specific location (the parking lot of your local church) and have them "trick-or-treat" from the trunks of people's car: thus "trunk or treat". This program is especially effective in rural areas where the space between homes is further away and safety is concerned having kids walk on busy country roads. That being said, this program can be done at most any church.

Have the youth put this program together inviting members of the congregation to provide a "trunk." The more you get the better, but you can have a successful program with a half dozen trunks. Even the youth could provide a trunk or two that they run. Encourage the members of the congregation who volunteered to provide a trunk to decorate their trunk in various themes. To makes the experience all the more exciting you can also couple this program with the festival of some sort providing games, costume contests, etc.Be sure to have one of the trunks be a welcome center and handout literature about your church's ministries. This is a great opportunity to share information about the church's mission and ministry and to evangelize to people who may not have a church home.

This is an easy missions outreach program that  the youth of your church can coordinate and lead. It might also get other people in your church excited about doing out reach in your community. Good luck and have fun!

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