Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Therefore be it Resolved

As we begin the new year, a lot of people make New Year's resolutions. Last year's New Year's resolution for me included losing weight and joining a gym. As per usual, I started out well going to the gym about 2 to 3 times a week. But by the second month I only went about once a month, and by month six I wasn't going at all.

Such is the case with most New Year's resolutions. We make them trying to set a high goal for ourselves, but undoubtedly we fail miserably. The same could be said for youth and young adult ministry. After the rush of the holiday season, many in youth ministry or young adult ministry make grand plans for the next year. They say things like, "This year will be different than last year" or "Just think what we can do if we really put our time and energy into these ministry areas." In the first couple of months we do very well. We hold vision team meetings, we take surveys and we genuinely try to make a radical change invigorated by what a new year brings.

The problem is that we fall into the exact same trap that we do with our own New Year's resolutions. We set our goals way too high and way too grand. What I have learned is that we need to use the "K.I.S.S." principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). While we might be tempted to do something grand by way of youth ministry or young adult ministry at the beginning of the new year, we need to keep those ideas relatively attainable. Instead of making grand plans, try making a simple plan that can be done within two months. Once that is accomplished, make another small plan, again something that can be accomplished in two months. You will find by doing that, you will be much more successful in moving your youth or young adult ministry forward and you won't get frustrated as quickly.

Good luck and may the plans that you make in 2011 be attainable and achievable!


  1. Nice to see a new post Warren :) I thought I posted this last Thursday but I didn't finalize it I guess.

  2. Just a friendly reminder that it's Wednesday :)
