Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Keep the Momentum Going All Year Long

As we begin another school year—for us it is easily the biggest time of the year. We've got momentum from school, the chaos of summer vacations is behind us, new friendships are forming, and faith is being shared regularly. Then come the Christmas slowdown and the spring, when seniors start setting adrift and checking out.
Is it possible to have fall-like energy throughout the year? How do we keep momentum going all year long?

Realize that the cycles of youth group are real—that there are seasons of ministry when you won't feel the momentum and when the attendance will dip. Honestly, there isn't much you can do about it, except strive for health and remain calm if you have a few more empty seats than normal. When attendance dips, take the time to build an infrastructure to better support growth in the big season ahead.

So once you've got a firm grip on reality, know that there are a few things you can do to at least help the situation in the future

1) Plan big events at key times
We only do a few events a year, and they are totally supplemental to our ongoing programs (youth group and small groups). But when we have them, they are at crucial times when we need a boost. In late October we have Pumpkinfest to help carry momentum through the slow holiday season.

2) Plan a key series at a typically low time
In our high school ministry we planned a series called You Own the Weekend that is built around student involvement and friendship that takes attendance way up in a time that is usually painfully low. Think creatively about a teenager's specific felt-need when you don't naturally have momentum.

So is it possible to keep momentum going in your youth ministry?

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