Wednesday, April 10, 2013

3 Ways to Make Your Message Stick

I often wonder as I teach and preach, "How much of this is sticking?" I work very hard to prayerfully craft a message that reflects what the passage is about, while at the same time keeping it interesting for young people to be engaged. Here are 3 things that I've learned to do to make my message stick.

1) Be Concrete - A lot of our faith is based on abstract ideas. It’s hard for children, as well as young people, to grasp some of these abstract ideas without relating them to something that they can experience with their senses (touch, smell, taste, hear, and see). For example, if your teaching young people about the doctrine of the Trinity, it can be quite confusing unless you find an example that they can relate to.

2) Be Vulnerable - Young people can’t relate to someone if they’re not willing to be open and honest with them. Furthermore, young people can see right through someone who is fake. The more open and honest you are with your young people about who you are, chances are the more open and honest they will be with you. I take this example from Jesus. Jesus was very open and honest with his 12 disciples and formed deep long-lasting relationships with them. The same can be said in developing healthy and meaningful young people’s ministry. Young people are starving for real relationships, so be vulnerable with them.

3) Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) - This is my favorite! Nothing helps a message stick with a young person than if you keep it simple. They are not looking for graduate level discussions or someone who can regurgitate doctrinal statements of faith. They are looking for simple, no-nonsense ways of living and being in relationship with others and God. So whatever you teacher or preach KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!

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