There’s always that one – that one pastor that you always
remember. Rev. Dr. Wallace Kirby was the first and major influence that nudged
me to ministry.
When I served as acolyte I can remember the 50-ish Dr. Kirby
giving me a high 5 as we moved into position in the choir room. His wisdom and
playful spirit adored him to the congregation and to me.

It wasn’t until I receive my call to ministry and was
actually before the annual conference again for ordination that I ran and to
Dr. Kirby again. Several years retired, Dr. Kirby made it a point to attend the
Annual Conference Session where I was ordained for ministry. After the service,
Dr. Kirby sought me out and said in his jovial, loving way “See, I told you
I believe that at our baptism we are all called into
ministry. We may all live out our calling in different ways, yet we are each
called. If you are an older youth or young adult and you have had someone tell
you “you’re going to be a pastor one day,” I would invite you to check out to learn more how you can participate in a national event
that they UMC sponsors to help young people explore their calling into
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